This is the fastest audit, typically 10 seconds or less, and it gets the information that most of you are likely to want or need most of the time:
Installed Software, last Windows update and update status , PC hardware information, shares to your PC and more importantly - shares out, antivirus status, attached
or mapped printers, important Event Log entries and much more.
EZ Audit full audits get all the information the Basic Audit obtains and also gets everything you want to find on the user's hard-drive - and you
can define what 'everything' means.
By default EZ Audit scans all .EXE files except the %WINDIR% folders. For most users most of the time, that's enough.
But you can choose all folders even the Desktop or Downloads, Documents, etc. These are places where downloaded junk (or worse) can reside.
And with all Full Audits you you can audit file types you want to know about in addition to . EXE, like OCX, VBS, DLL even VBS or PS.
Get all executable files, even non-installed .exe files copied to a PC (i.e. portable tools).
Need more? Get driver files, non-program files like music, Office documents, images - it's up to you.