Automated PC Audits via Logon Script using EZ Audit®

IMPORTANT: You need to have a Domain to do automated audits be it on prem or cloud. PCs need to be joined and have access to shared folders on a server. Workgroup or Samba/SMB won't do it.

If you have Azure AD or Azure AD Domain Services /Azure AD DS:

It's as simple as creating a shared folder on the domain, and triggering an app at user logon via Group Policy, which can be handled via Intune.

Here is the Microsoft documentation for creating shares using AD DS

Here is the Microsoft documentation for Group Policy in an Azure Active Directory Domain Services managed domain


If you write your own logon scripts all you need to add is to launch \\servername\ezaudit\ezstart-a -o.
The "-o" is only needed if you want to make the PCs available for On-Demand audits(PDF) in addition to scheduled audits).

Here's a VBScript example of what to add:

Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Note below: Don't use your server IP address like \\\, use the server name otherwise Windows will likely show a security alert at the user's PC.

WSHShell.Run "\\yourservername\ezaudit\ezstart.exe -a -o"

Of course you can also run a PowerShell script to accomplish this. It's just a matter of passing:
\\path\ezstart.exe -a (-o optional) command.

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