Automated PC Audits via Logon Script using EZ Audit®
If you write your own logon scripts all you need to add is to launch \\servername\ezaudit\ezstart-a -o. The "-o" is only needed if you want to make the PCs available for On-Demand audits(PDF) in addition to scheduled audits).
Here's a VBScript example of what to add:
Dim WSHShell Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Note below: Don't use your server IP address like \\\, use the server name otherwise Windows will likely show a security alert at the user's PC.
WSHShell.Run "\\yourservername\ezaudit\ezstart.exe -a -o"
Of course you can also run a PowerShell script to accomplish this. It's just a matter of passing: \\path\ezstart.exe -a (-o optional) command.