Find software on your PCs by program name or file name using EZ AuditĀ®

Find any programs on your PCs...including non-installed portable apps

  • Want to know who has important.exe and the exact version? 

  • Or you really need to know who doesn't have important.exe because all employees should have it.

Click the Search tab in the Admin Console then select the type of search:

Find programs by file like foo.exe or program name like "FooWriter"

Click the Search tab in the Admin Console then select then Find installed programs by file name.


Search when you don't know the file name:

For example, you can search for "Word" to find "winword.exe" if you don't know the file name. 

All in one place.

And it's not just what Windows "thinks" is there based on Registry entries, but any EXE or file, like SYS, DLL, or whatever you asked EZ Audit to inventory. 

Even if they're just copied to the hard drive (portable apps for example) and not actually installed.

This search is possible when you do Full Audits where EZ Audit collects complete information on all .EXE files on your PC or server. 

Search by "Installed Programs"

This is like the Control Panel's "Programs and Features" in that it show what's installed.  But it goes much further than that.

Click the Search tab in the Admin Console then select then Find installed programs and Windows Updates.

Find who has, or is missing Microsoft Updates by KB number. Search by partial matches, and more.

You only need to do a Basic Audit if this is all you need to know about your PC software inventory.  And those take under 10 seconds to complete.

Microsoft Office Summary

Click the Search tab in the Admin Console then select then Microsoft Office Summary.

EZ Audit does not rely on what Office suites are installed. 

Often there are mixed installations, like Access from Office 2013 and the rest from Office 2016.  Windows will show both suites installed, which isn't technically correct.

This shows you how many of the individual apps like Word, Excel, etc. you have and what actual version (e.g. 2016, O365 etc.)

This search requires that you run Full Audits


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