Configure EZ Audit® Automated PC Audits

Configuring EZ Audit is point and click easy

Click the Tools tab in the Admin Console and select Configure Audits.

The rest is point-and-click self explanatory.  Save the file to the network share you created for EZ Audit, e.g. to \\servername\ezaudit.

Azure equivalent would be in this format: \\share-name

Easy to configure network audits of your PCs with EZ Audit

To edit an existing audit you can use the Configuration tool from the Admin Console or just click on any configuration file (*.ezc) in Windows Explorer.

You can run the audits invisible to the user, or let them know its running.  You can set how long they have to respond before your chosen option continued.

You can give them the option to cancel and not take the audit, or force them to take it.

You can  ask them to answer questions of your choosing and add your own message to the prompt they will see.  You can make answering optional or mandatory.

The configuration tool will copy the audit modules to the folder you've created on your server when you save it.

Read the Quick Start Guide PDF, it takes 10-minutes or less to set up your server.

Audit Type Options


In the Basic Options you set the frequency of audits (weekly, monthly, etc.), where to save the audits to, what to audit and so forth.


Here you can set whether you want your audits totally invisible and silent, or allow a range of user interactions.  For example, do you want a custom message to be displayed?  Do you want the user to answer any questions?  Do you want to tag the audit with notes for your records?  It's all here.


Once you get started explore some great options like excluding PCs from automated audits or using multiple configurations. You control this using command line when launching the scanner module from your server.

EZ Audit Command Line Reference PDF

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