Uninstall or Move EZ Audit


At your PC

Full uninstall:

  • Uninstall EZ Audit via the Windows Control Panel as you would any other program

  • A set of folders remains at C:\ProgramData\EZAudit.  This is because log files are created post-install and also is where some reports you create would be saved to by default.

    If you do not plan to re-install EZ Audit, you can delete that folder and it's sub-folders.

PC Replacement:

  • If you are replacing your PC, if you created any reports and saved them to the default location EZ Audit offers, you can find them under:

    C:\ProgramData\EZAudit\{version number, e.g. 19}\Reports. 

    Back them up and copy them into this folder on your new PC after EZ Audit has been installed on it.

  • Download a fresh copy of our installer (as they are always kept up to date with the latest updates) and install it.

  • You will need to re-enter your registration code and unlock key file.  Request a new unlock key file from EZ Audit Sales.

On the server

Full uninstall:

Full removal if you are not planning to re-install EZ Audit perform the following in order.

  • Delete the command line to launch automated audits from Group Policy, or if using a script delete the section where you launch EZ Audit.

    If you are using a scheduled task via Group Policy, delete the task.

  • The default folder shares on your server would be something like D:\ezaudit\audits (or in UNC format \\yourservername\ezaudit\audits).

    If you want to keep the audit files, they're under the \audits folder.  Move them anywhere you wish.

    Delete the \ezaudit\audits folder\subfolder.

  • Done!

Swapping out the server you audit from and save audits to:

  • Ensure that you've backed up your audits.  You can recreate the folder structure and shares on your new server and copy back the audits to the same folder.

  • If your new server will have the same name, drive mappings, shares, etc., you'll save configuration files (e.g. config.ezc) so you don't have to create new ones.

    Back those up and put them back into the same folder as the older server, along with the audit modules.

  • Take note of how you are currently launching EZ Audit to replicate on the new server - e.g. Group Policy or entry in your logon script.

    Replicate those in your new server.

  • Create and share the folders to run audits and where they save to as they were before, e.g. D:\ezaudit\audits

    Put the audit modules into the \ezaudit folder along with the config files (or create new ones if the paths/server name have changed).

  • Done!